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Listen to “Humility and Hustle,” with NEST’s Rebecca van Bergen

The founder of NEST talks about her passion for supporting craft-based businesses, what it takes for artisans to succeed—and why their success matters on the global scale.

Listen to “How Do Tools and Technology Affect Creativity?” with Gary Rogowski

A veteran woodworker and furniture designer considers the relationship between tools, creativity, and intention—a new episode of “The Secrets of Mastery.”

The Intricate World of Mechanical Watches: a Resource List

As with most pursuits that draw devoted hobbyists (including plenty of obsessive ones), fine mechanical watches have spawned a large and passionate subculture. A little Googling will lead you to myriad websites, magazines, conferences, and other gathering grounds for those who want to follow—and, when they can afford it, purchase—timepieces that represent the height of…

Listen to “Chemicals in our Clothes, with Sustainable Fashion Expert Alden Wicker”

Have you ever opened a brand-new package of clothing and been hit with a strong whiff of petroleum? Journalist Alden Wicker took a deep dive into the chemicals commonly used by the fashion industry in her new book, “To Dye For: How Toxic Fashion is Making Us Sick—and How We Can Fight Back.”   Craftsmanship Magazine…

An Abbreviated Timeline of a Problematic Standard: the GDP

1937: Simon Kuznets, an economist at the National Bureau of Economic Research, formulates a new way to calculate the economic output of individuals, companies, and the government in a single measure: Gross Domestic Product, which is the value of all the goods that a country produces each year. 1944: The newly formed World Bank and…

Listen to “Keeping the Beat: Custom-Made Conducting Batons”

A good conductor can lead an orchestra with almost anything — even a chopstick. Leonard Bernstein was known to conduct a full symphony with just his eyebrows. Why, then, in this age of cheap manufacturing, are handmade, customized batons still in demand? Written by JEFF GREENWALD Introduction by PAULINE BARTOLONE Narrated by JEFF GREENWALD Produced…

Listen to “The Play Gap”

In the inner city neighborhoods of Providence, Rhode Island, Janice O’Donnell set up playgrounds where kids could build anything they want, and break anything they want. She has been stunned by what everyone has learned in the process.

Watch “The Future Is Handmade”

A Dutch archaeologist finds artisans and thought leaders who are redefining craft, skill and, ultimately, the real meaning of a knowledge economy. A Craftsmanship mini-documentary.

Introduction to “The Future Is Handmade” — A Craftsmanship Mini-Documentary Film

A Dutch archaeologist finds artisans and thought leaders who are redefining craft, skill and, ultimately, the real meaning of a knowledge economy: a short film presented by The Craftsmanship Initiative, in collaboration with The Centre for Global Heritage and Development.


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