Donate | The Craftsmanship Initiative Skip to content

Donations are tax-deductible

By contributing to The Craftsmanship Initiative, you are supporting journalism of the highest quality, dedicated to preserving the world's traditions of excellence and creativity. Those values—what might be called craftsmanship’s principles of meaningful and satisfying work—have sustained humankind for centuries, but in today's digital, throwaway society, they are in increasing danger of disappearing. Your support helps keep this work alive.

Each year, we commission as many as 12 new, long-form narrative pieces, as well as 10-12 shorter "Field Notes," 15-20 new audio recordings, and 2-4 mini-documentaries. Your patronage enables us to deeply explore the work of traditional artisans as well as modern innovators, generating stories that highlight both dying arts and promising new discoveries. Your donations are what allow us to do this work the way it should be done, which is by paying the writers and producers who generate these stories fair market rates.

The Craftsmanship Initiative does not accept donations from political parties, elected officials, or candidates actively seeking public office. Nor do we accept donations from sources who, deemed by our board of directors, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our editorial independence.

Donations made through our 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor, Independent Arts & Media, are tax-deductible.

To Donate

You can make one-time or recurring donations, of any amount, through PayPal (no PayPal account is required) or by check. If you have questions about stock donations or matching gift programs, please contact Susie McKinnon at susie[at]


Please make your check payable to “Independent Arts & Media,” with The Craftsmanship Initiative in the memo box and mail to:

Independent Arts & Media
P.O. Box 420442
San Francisco, CA  94142

If you have any donation questions, please contact donations[at]

Thank you for your support!

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